Childcare Career in Sight for CV Tech’s England

CV Tech’s Jason England is preparing for a career in the female-dominated childcare industry.

Few careers have been historically dominated more by one gender than the childcare industry.

U.S. Census Bureau data indicates less than 8 percent of men are employed in childcare centers nationwide.

Jason England is well aware of the data but desperately wants to pursue a lifelong career in the industry. England, 20, of Chickasha, enrolled in Canadian Valley Technology Center’s Early Care and Education program with the intent to become a childcare worker.

“I like the class and I like being the only guy,” he said. “We have talked about it in class, and I know that it takes time for people to see that I really like working with kids and that guys can be just as good at being teachers of young children.”

England works at an area childcare center. He is currently pursuing a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential, which is based on core competency standards for teachers of young children.

“I want to go to work full-time and be a lead teacher (in a childcare facility),” England said. “I think I would really like to own my own childcare center someday.”

CV Tech’s on-site child development center is a top-rated and nationally accredited three-star facility that provides students who are enrolled in the Early Care program with routine interactions with children up to age 5.

Many students who complete the program work in childcare centers, while many also choose to further their education at the university level in pursuit of a teaching degree.


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