CV Tech Students Receive Otha Grimes Scholarships Totaling $2,850

Otha Grimes

A handful of full-time adult students enrolled at Canadian Valley Technology Center are recipients of Otha Grimes Memorial Scholarships ranging from $250 to $500.

Awards are chosen by staff at the Oklahoma Foundation for Career and Technology Education. Recipients must be pursuing post-secondary education at Oklahoma’s technology centers. They are awarded in varied amounts and given based on commitment and scholastic achievement.

Grimes owned Ogeechee Farms in Fairland. He was a longtime agriculture enthusiast, philanthropist and devoted supporter of education. He was inducted into the Career Tech Hall of Fame in 1990.

Scholarship Recipients
$500: Mollie Grogan, Surgical Technology, El Reno; Leah Hayes, Surgical Technology, Chickasha
$400: Breala Gatson, Practical Nursing, OKC
$300: Karen Lape, Practical Nursing, Lexington; Mandi Peck, Surgical Technology, Hinton; Rosemary Njifunuh, Practical Nursing Bethany; Hossein Najmi, HVAC, Edmond
$250: Tammy Pershica, Medical Office, El Reno


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