About Course

SafeLandUSA is a standardized orientation that sets minimum requirements for the US Onshore E&P Industry. This orientation program is instructor-led and covers health, safety, and environmental training most requested and/or required by oilfield operators and other host employers. The orientation remains with the student throughout their career. Upon completion of the course, each student receives a photo ID and will be entered into the online SafeLandUSA database.

Required: Government-issued photo ID.

Note: Minimum of 4 participants per class.

Course Details

  • Course Number: AG83
  • Hours: 8
  • Campus: Chickasha | El Reno
  • Dates:


Please call to schedule

El Reno

Please call to enroll: 8/2 | 9/6 | 10/4 | 11/1 | 12/6

  • Days: Friday
  • Times: 8AM-5PM


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