Blended/Online Courses

Business & Computers

Special Interest

Trade, Safety, & Industry

Learn How Our ACCD / Short-Term Courses Can Help You.

In today’s professional world, individuals who continually work to upgrade their skills have the competitive edge over others. Canadian Valley offers Adult Career and Community Development (ACCD) classes (or short-term courses) that provide the training individuals need to attain new jobs or to better perform their existing employment duties.

Developing a Stronger Workforce

ACCD classes are generally established based upon the needs of area businesses. ACCD students have access to the precise training employers want from their employees. ACCD classes, along with Canadian Valley’s Career Programs, provide your company with a stronger applicant pool for future jobs.

Improving the Quality of Life

ACCD students are able to explore a variety of career fields, while receiving the applied education they need for greater employment options. These classes also provide your employees and their family members the chance to develop new or existing skills and to explore areas of special interest.

Visit our Policy Page for more information

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Ed2Go online learning ad: convenient, affordable, instructor led 6-week-classes. Not affiliated with CV Tech.

Additional Online Courses

Notice: Click to view additional online courses through our partner – Ed2Go. Prices, certifications and instructors are provided and employed directly by Ed2Go with no affiliation to CV Tech.

Chickasha / El Reno / Cowan
Cowan / El Reno

ACCD Policies, Discounts, & Scholarships

Want to Teach?

Our Commitment to Accessibility

Canadian Valley Technology Center is committed to ensuring everyone has equal access to our programs and services.  If you need assistance navigating our short-term course website, please e-mail or call us for individualized assistance.